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Clarity? Who needs it?

by Matthew T. Messina Some of the most compelling theatre I have ever witnessed was, initially, incredibly unclear. When I encounter a...

Tell Me a Story and I Will Listen

by Catherine Miller “a safe place to do the unsafe things that need to be done"- John Patrick Shanley Events in your life, books you...

Too Close for Comfort?

by Laura Routh I am drawn to Crooked for a wide-variety of reasons. As an Anglo-Bengali American who used to reside in Mississippi, I...

Boom. February 2012

by Mike Doyle Jessica, Francesco, Kevin, and I divided up research topics after meeting and discussing boom. My duties were to...

Boom. February 13-20, 2012

by: Grappler Contributor Much of this week has been devoted to research. On Wednesday Mike, Jessica, and I met with Kevin to finalize our...


by Karly Bergmann Nobody wants to read an actor packet. Especially in those cherished hours after class and before rehearsal usually...

How I came to be here…

by Dexter Zollicoffer Sometimes I can’t believe that I’m starting my 9th year at The Theatre School at DePaul University. It wasn’t so...

Letter from the Editor

by Brittany Squier With this robust group of posts, I formally end my work on The Grappler here at The Theatre School at DePaul...

Letter From the Editors

We, Francesco De Salvatore, and Mike Doyle, would like to introduce ourselves as the new Editors-In-Chief of The Grappler. We look...

Children and Art

By: Catherine Miller I do not have one matronly bone in my body. When Karen Sharp of Seattle Children’s Theatre came to DePaul this past...

Bringing Theatre to the Streets

By: Grappler Contributor I’ve lived in the city of Chicago for about two years now. That’s roughly 730 days. For about 480 days of those...

L'art de vivre

By: Mike Doyle When I left for France this summer, I intended to see some theatre. I was there for ten weeks, and the closest I came was...

Translating the Language of Angels

By: Sean Wiberg Most theatrical performances combine three key elements: technique, imagery and storytelling. If crafted right, each...

Why Dramaturgy?

By: Johanna Orr I happened upon dramaturgy. Throughout high school, I was an actor, and thought that I wanted to pursue it as a career....

This Thing Called Dramaturgy...

By: Stephanie Swiatek When I was in elementary school, a huge grin would spread across my face when an adult asked me one simple...

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